Wednesday 31 October 2012

Internet Sheep

The online gaming community really does make me laugh sometimes. You may remember a few months ago I posted an article on how Deamons are amazing under sixth edition, especially Flamers of Tzeentch. (if you don't, or you missed it, here it is) I was pretty much laughed at on Warseer and the 40k Forums and told I was an idiot.

Now lo and behold, someone at Bell of Lost Souls has found how nasty they can be and people are hailing them as the new messiah for pointing out that deamons have become a real cheese list, like it's something new.

 Good to see how the clique-y the online community is. Apparently nothing is true unless the big names are saying it too, at which point it becomes gospel. They're tring to claim a tournament list for them can be unbeatable, and I got shouted down and called an idiot for pointing out some very simple counters for it. *sigh*

To be honest, it doesn't really bother me, but it makes me chuckle to see it unfold.

Fenrisian Wolves done

I really seem to be getting models done at a fantastic rate at the moment. This time it's a trio of Fenrisian Wolves.

Admittedly, it's not enough to be fielded as a unit in their own right, but they always can be used with characters until their packmates are done.

These are nothing too special, built straight from the Chaos Warhound kits, with Green Stuff-ed fur over the holes where mutations are normally attached.

 This last one is the Cyberwolf. He's not cybernetically enhanced, just such a ferocious, mean-looking bastard that he's risen to be Alpha Male. I've put him on a raised base to make him stand out.

A couple of people have asked me why I didn't go for the proper Fenrisian Wolves instead the Warhounds. While I love the proper wolves models, I went for these for a number of reasons:

1. They look more feral and brutal than the Fenrisian Wolves. These look more like barely controlled predators than their tamed and well groomed official counterparts

2. The background for my Great Company has them marooned in the Warp for a while. Whilst the Space Wolves can resist its effects due to the Canis Helix, their beast companions weren't so lucky. The Warhounds represent that.

3. They're cheaper. You get twice as many Warhounds for the same price as the Fenrisian Wolves

So there you have it. I might get round to painting the rest of their pack mates soon, but I feel the Wolf Priest and Grey Hunters calling out to me to be finished next, so you might have to wair

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Sons of Horus Apothecary WIP

It's not just Space Wolves I've been working on. I'm still plugging away at my Sons of Horus, although progress is hampered somewhat until I find my pot of Colicia Green or aquire a new one when GW Cambridge opens on Wednesday. That's the trouble with keeping an over-cluttered painting area, stuff does tend to wander off.

But enough about that, here's Legion Apothecary Grysus:

As you can see, he's built using normal marine parts, rather than the FW kits. The legs are Mk7, but that's because the materials I'm going to use for studs havn't arrived yet to make them Mk 5. I've been waiting for weeks now and the delay is really starting to annoy me, as they're a key part of the project.

I decided to use Fabius Bile's backpack for his Narthecium/Reductor. I figure that if Fabius was using one in the Heresy, then other Apothecaries probably were too. The Skulls on top represent his Augury Scanner (gives Interceptor to one unit a turn and lets you fire on units arriving from reserve). I figure that, much like Servo Skulls, they're probably housing some kind of scanning tech. Either that or so chaos sorcery, as I'm building them as a post-Istvann/Age of Darkness force.

The shade of his armour is the same recipe I used for the Praetor. The more I use it, the more I like it, although I'm finding I've got to be careful when applying it, as it has a tendency to pool in the wrong areas and look nasty - this guy was stripped and repainted three times!

There's a few details that still need to be finished on him, like the studs and Oath of Moment on his leg armour, but he's pretty much done.

As usual, let me know what you think guys, your feedback means a lot to me.

Wolf Standard finished

 More Space Wolf progress, this time I've completed Jarek the Stern, bearer of the Wolf Standard for the White Wolves.

Of all the models for my Wolves that I've worked on, I think I'm happiest with this guy. The shading's turned out perfectly and he looks hard as nails! I get a very definite sense of background and drama from him that really makes him stand out. Not bad when he's built straight from the box, except for the addition of a Mk 4 helmet from FW.

Monday 29 October 2012

Skol Fireheart

 He's a nutter with a blue mohawk, wielding a Plasma Gun and Chainsword, how much cooler can he get?

He's also one of the few models in my Space Wolves (or any of my armies for that matter) not to wear a helmet. That's an 'honour' that I generally save for Psykers and particularly headstrong/foolhardy individuals. Skol happens to fall under both the later categories.

Here's the background I wrote for him (I always write this before I build a model)

Something of a loose cannon within the ranks of the White Wolves. Skol’s love for battle knows no bounds  and on the field of war his packmates will always find him in the thick of it, wielding his chainblade in one hand whilst letting rip with his plasma gun with the other, roaring with savage glee.

It is said he would’ve been happy to serve in the ranks of the Blood Claws for the rest of his career, but after the long years away from Fenris, all the recruits in Tra had been promoted to Grey Hunters, or higher still, so Skol was folded into the ranks of the White Wolves almost against his will. 

Although his ferocity is an asset to his pack, his headstrong nature has earned him more than his fair share of punches in the face from his fellow White Wolves, when his lust for battle has threatened an otherwise sound battle plan. Despite this, he possesses the fierce loyalty and bitter resolve that all within the Rout share and can be depended upon when the need calls for it, as long as his lord doesn't mind his goals being achieved with a lot of mess and extreme violence.

There you go guy. I'm really in a painting groove this week, so expect a lot more updates where this came from.

Space Wolf Progress

Been a while since I showed some of my Space Wolves, so thought I'd post some up.

I havn't made as much progress as I thought I would with them, but at least I'm making some headway.

Here's the second model in the entire army I can actually say is fully finished: Shield-Brother Ragnac of the White Wolves.

As I've explained before, I've modelled the Wulfen of this pack just using the parts from the Space Wolf sprues. The background explanation for it that he's a pack member whose undergone the mental degeneration that the Curse of the Wulfen brings, but in a strange quirk of fate, not the physical transformation. In practical terms this means the berserk fury that the curse brings can be brought to bear in battle, without sacrificing the protection that a fully enclosed suit of power armour can offer.

People who have read 'Prospero Burns' may recognise the roughly scrawled eye of aversion on his shoulder pad, put there by his pack brothers to ward off the Malificarum that may trigger Ragnac's full transformation.

What do people think? I still need to add a coat of gloss varnish to the blood to make it look fresh, but I think he's turned out rather nicely.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Hevig von Nearostaffen's Flying Contraption

It's back! Bigger and better than before, and most importantly, actually going to be finished this time!

Yes, I've been working on Von Nearostaffen's Flying Contraption again. It's been gathering dust on my project shelf for nearly two years now., but with GW Cambridge running a fantasy league, it seems the perfect opportunity to finally get it done, along with the rest of my Hochland force.

As you can see, It's undergone a slight re-model , ditching the dwarven cannon slung underneath. I'm planning something far more ambitious as a replacement for its main armament, so I can use it as either a Steam Tank or a Luminark, depending on the points level of the game I'm playing with it.

The wings look very uneven in this picture, but I'm sure you can forgive that, as it's still a very early WIP. I'm planning to extend them out in a style similar to Da Vinci's flying machine, with a gas balloon providing the lift. Very ambitious plans, but then again, it is going to be the centrepiece of my force.

More soon!

Friday 26 October 2012

November White Dwarf Review

It’s not exactly shocking news that White Dwarf has gone downhill over the last few years, turning into a much-reviled monthly catalogue showcasing whatever GW happens to be releasing this month in the shallowest, most money-grabbing kind of way. After the recent overhaul though, starting last month, I think it’s safe to say that White Dwarf is well on its way to recovery.

Despite the 49 pages covering the new releases at the front, the rest of this months issue seems to make up for it, with the other 89 pages being packed with army showcases, battle reports (featuring the WD teams own armies rather than the rather bland studio ones), showcase of readers models, conversion articles, in depth painting guides (including a rather nice how-to on salt weathering), designers notes and even a rather nice piece from Graham McNeill on the new HH novel.

The only thing that disappointed me was that there’s next to no coverage of the new terrain set and no modeling workshop for Warriors of Chaos, which would have been nice, so that people could see what can be done with the new kits. On the other hand, that’s a relatively minor thing. This might be covered next month anyway and the designers notes actually answer questions that people might have about them (like, why aren't the trenches part of a new Realm of Battle segment?). Overall, White Dwarf is definitely worth spending money on again. The new writing team seems to have really tapped into what we want to see in there, having been gamers long before they were recruited and probably watched the downhill slide of the magazine first hand.

In short, it’s becoming what it used to be again – a hobby magazine for the hobbyist. Sure, there’s still the occasional advertisement ‘article’, but the good far outweighs the bad. This is easily the best issue of White Dwarf I’ve read in a long time.  Long may it continue this way.

Rating: 9/10

Thursday 25 October 2012

Helblaster WIP

Took a little break from the Horus Heresy today to get some of my Empire done.

I carried on building and painting up a scenic base for my Helblaster Volley gun that I bought last year, adding a crewman and some spare ammo. I still need to find two other crewman for it, and add more shading/details but it's a start.

It's nice to be finally making progress on my Hochanders, and kind of refreshing not to be working on power armour too, if I'm completely honest. Marines are nice, but too many of them can make the hobby seem a bit same-y. That's not to say I've stopped working on them though. I'll just be alternating between them and the Empire to keep my motivation up

Sunday 21 October 2012

WIP Legion Praetor

Having nailed the colour scheme for their armour, i'm pushing ahead with my Sons of Horus, starting with the Legion Praetor:

As you can see, there's still plenty to do on this guy, but you can get an idea of where I'm going with him from the picture. I'll post more progress on him soon

Friday 19 October 2012


After a chat with the guys down at GW Cambridge and a little experimentation I've finally hit upon the perfect recipe for the green of my Sons of Horus.

It's a surprisingly simple recipe, using Mechanicum Standard Grey as as base coat, then a liberal wash of Colicia Green. It's created precisely the shade of green I imagined, in a way that's fairly quick and simple to achieve. I actually can't believe how simple it was in the end, considering that I've been experimenting with various combinations of shades and washes for a couple of months now with not the greatest of results.

I'm glad I've finally hit on it though, considering that I've been on the verge of dropping out of the painting challenges I've signed up for due to the problems I've been having.

Once again though, Forgeworld seems oddly attuned to my thoughts. I returned home to find that they'd put up a painting guide for the 4 legions from Betrayal, while I'd been out. Oh well. My way is far simpler and looks far better in my opinion.

Very strange game...

I had a few hours after uni lectures today and planned to get some painting done (a rare thing these days), but instead I managed to fit in a few games, which turned out to be some of the best I've had so far in sixth edition!

The first game I was up against my old nemesis, the Black Templars. Under the able command of my friend Darren, we faced off once more, looking to settle the score for all the thrashings the xenophobic, witch hunting Sons of Dorn gave me under fifth edition.

We rolled up Purge the Alien, deploying in fairly standard battle lines. This is pretty much the only thing in the battle that could be  considered 'standard'. Here's a run down:

- Starting with him stealing the initiative - not odd in itself, but it gets worse...

- His tactical Terminators were destroyed as soon as they poked their head out of cover by a single Grey Hunter pack shooting once at them

- His Assault Squad failed a charge from 6 inches away from my Swiftclaws, even with re-rolls from using their Jump Packs

 - Promptly followed by me rolling Perils of the Warp every time I went to roll a psychic test on my Rune Priests - when they've been unbelievably reliable in the 3 years I've been playing them (they've never failed a test before in an amazing feat of bucking the odds)

Ironically, my Rune Priest succumbing the second time netted my opponent his only victory point of the game, which also netted him Slay the Warlord. I can literally say I did all the damage in this game!

And then this happened....

 I chucked my Fenrisian Wolves at him to slow down his Emperors Champion, so he wouldn't smash into my Grey Hunter squad. I didn't expect to win, just slow him down.

He challenged me , but I turned it down. Emperors Champion vs Cyberwolf: it wouldn't have ended well, even with re-rolls from the other wolves.

It devolved into a two turn combat that saw the wolves emerge triumphant. The dice gods were having a right laugh today I reckon. The look on his face was priceless! A highly amusing end to one of the most surreal games that I've played in my ten years of doing this hobby.

 Still, it was a damn good game, one of the best I've had in long while. The final result was 4-2 to me (with the 2 to him being caused by the Rune Priest going into meltdown), although we did have to cut it short at the start of turn 4. Who knows what could've happened if we'd carried on, but I'm disappointed we didn't get a chance to find out. We've agreed to a rematch at some point soon. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Monday 15 October 2012

Sons of Horus Legion Squad WIP

 Here's the squad I started building yesterday before I got distracted with Horus. It's nothing too fancy, just a WIP on a bolter squad (you can see some with missing heads at the back)

 I've been quite inventive with their armor, considering how expensive the Heresy-specific parts are from bits websites, even the ones from the basic tactical squad kit. I've included Mk 7 parts in there, but I'm going to be adding studs and rivets to them to make them Mk 5 and adding a green stuff disc onto each of their right shoulder pads, to be painted up as the Eye of the Warmaster. When I do my Forge World order and get some proper Sons of Horus pads, these guys are going to represent Legion Veterans, with the eye denoting their favour with the Warmaster

These guys are taking a lot more work to model than I anticipated, but I think I'm cranking them out at a good pace. I've signed them up for a few online painting challenges, so I should keep up the rate of progress. I need a 1750 point force ready to go for next February, ready for a league at my local club. Not an impossible task by any means, but I can't afford to let up my pace on them.

Sunday 14 October 2012

WIP Horus

I sat down to build some more Sons of Horus this afternoon, but I kind of got distracted and ended up starting work on the Warmaster himself:

As you can see, it's at a very early stage but I'm fairly pleased with how he's turning out so far. He certainly resembles the artwork I've seen of him, but obviously it needs a lot more detailing work, not least of which is going to be sculpting his head from scratch. I also need to source the Talon of Horus from the Abaddon model for his other arm

 In case you're wondering, he's based loosely off the Chaos Terminator Lord kit, with a lot of plasticard and green stuff additions. The rest of him is going to be made pretty much from scratch, which will be a rather nice test of my scuplt skills. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'll post progress as I make it

Friday 12 October 2012

Damn you Forgeworld!

Having spent the day building Sons of Horus, you can imagine my frustration when I came online and saw Forgeworld are releasing these:

 Sons of Horus shoulder pads. While they look awesome and I'm looking forward to getting them, they also mean i now have to rip the right shoulder pads off the men I built this afternoon and add quite a hefty sum to my Forgeworld shopping list.

I might just end up buying a single set of these and cast up the pads for the rest of my Sons of Horus from them. I wish i had the painting skills to freehand the symbol, but that's not

Legion-specific brass etchings have also gone up, which I'll be picking up too. I'm far more excited for these. I'm looking forward to converting up some Sons of Horus vehicles with them

 It might seem like I'm complaining about these, but I'm just a little annoyed at having to remove the pads from my existing men and the fact that they're selling the Legion Pads separately from the marines. It wouldn't have been too difficult to sell Legion-specific squad packs, giving you five marines and legion pads in one. You're paying top money for the marines anyway, then you're left with spare shoulder pads once you've added legion pads. Oh well, at least they can go into other models

Sons of Horus - a beginning

Ok, so while I'm pondering the question of the colour scheme, I've been building some pre-heresy marines. Although I don't have the book yet, I've been basing them off what I know about the new book, based off my gleanings from the internet.

Here's my Legio Praetor, Garus Morkaddon. As you can see, I've been quite conservative with his armament, sticking with a power sword and bolter. Chances are he'll have access to powerful and exotic weaponry, but there's no point jumping the gun. If I come across a must-have combo for a Praetor later, he can always be re-tasked as a squad leader

Next up is a basic Legionnaire with a bolter. I've given him a bolt pistol too, as apparently they carry them as sidearms. Like I said, nothing special, more of a test than anything.

 And going back to my older pre-heresy project, here's one of my Thousand Sons, very nearly done. I just need to do his helmet crest and armour cabling and he's ready to go.

He's made it into this post mainly because I'm planning to re-visit my old plan for fielding my Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons (at least till the Prospero book arrives), by using them as Seeker squads - the Legio version of Sternguard Veterans

Plus it's nice to show I'm actually making progress now and then