Friday 30 January 2009

Apocalypse Army

This is my apocalyspe list that i'm working towards, hopefully to be finished in time for a game that's arranged for my local gaming club in the next few months.

The general theme of the list is the idea that they are are a band of Outcasts and Pirates who have 'aquired' a fleet of vehicles and have taken to roaming around, raiding, pillaging and generally making a nuicance of themselves.

I've more or less got everything on this done and almost painted, save the Stompa (coming soon on March 7th) and the Skullhamma, which i still need to find a donor model for, seeing as i think the baneblade kit is a) too expensive and b)too nice to cut up for parts


Pirate Boss, Igork Teefsnaga

Power Klaw, twin linked shoota, attack squig, 'eavy armour, cybork body

Mad Gazza, Warboss

Power Klaw, Slugga, attack squig, 'eavy armour, cybork body

Ordsdakka, Big Mek

Burna, K. Force Field, 'eavy armour

Wurrnaz da Great, Weirdboy



Kankrumpas Tankbustas

6 'bustas, 2 squig bombs

Da fireboyz, Burnas

5 Burnas, 1 mek, kustom mega blasta

Da Skrappaz

4 x Nobz, twin-linked big shootas, painboy, eavy armour

Da Skrap Kart, Battlewagon

Kannon, 2 big shootas, armour plates, red paint, grot riggas


Igorks Pirate Ladz, Nobz

8 Nobs, 1 power klaw, 'eavy armour

Da pirate wagon, Battlewagon

Kannon, 4 big shootas, armour plates, red paint, wreckin' ball, deff rolla, grot riggas

Rugskuls 'ard boyz

19 'ard boyz, 1 big shoota, 1 nob with power klaw and bosspole


Reinforced Ram, red paint, armour plates, wreckin' ball

Hagdakkaz Big Mob

19 boyz, Nob with Power Klaw, 2 x Big Shoota

Gazgag's Uvva Big Mob

19 Boyz, Nob with Big Choppa, 1 x Big Shoota

Fast Attack

Zagdakkas Flyboyz, Deffkoptas

4 'coptas,2x Buzzsaws bigbomms

Heavy Support

Da Fire Boyz Kart, Looted wagon

2 big shootas, skorcha, Red paint, armour plates, wreckin' ball

Looted Rhino/ Wagon

2 Big Shootas, Red paint, armour plates, wreckin' ball

Looted Devilfish/ Wagon

2 Rokkits, Red paint, armour plates, wreckin' ball

Teffsnagas 'eavy ladz

8 Flash Gitz, Shootier, More Dakka, painboy, cybork bodies, Kaptin Badrukk

Da Flash Kart, Battlewagon

Kannon, 4 big shootas, armour plates, red paint, wreckin' ball, deff rolla, grot riggas

Da Crusha, Skullhamma Battle Fortress

Da Big Lad, Stompa