Sunday 15 October 2023

I'm back!

I finally managed to break out of my hobby slump! 

After a few months of doing pretty much nothing, I've actually been able to coax my hobby mojo back into life over the last few weeks. Turns out all I needed to do is jettison 40k from my project pile. 

Despite having a strong start, I've been coming to the conclusion that 10th edition is a bit of a mess and not too fun to play right now, so I've decided to focus on other game systems, such as Heresy and Middle Earth instead. I might wheel back to 40k later once a few more Codexes are out, but honestly I'm having more fun elsewhere atm. 

It did help that I've been able to get quite a few games of 30k in recently. I've even being able to get down to one of the regular Heresy nights at my FLGS, which has got me  super keen to finally sort out my Emperor's Children. 

So yeah, I'm on a real Heresy kick right now. I even found a pretty good deal for a bunch of Heresy Emperor's Children on a FB trade group, which I snapped up pretty quickly:

 There's a lot of work to be done on them, but I was going to be doing some pretty hefty conversion work on them anyway, so it's not too bad. 

It gives me a very solid backbone to build the army around, so I'm going to enjoy working through this lot.

In the meantime though, I decided to work on some Kakophonii to 'get my eye in'.

I really liked how these turned out. They're really a a rebuild/paint of my old 40k Noise Marines, but I think they do the trick and give you an idea of how I want the final army to feel.

They're a bit more '40k' in feel than most 30k EC's you see, but that's kind of the point of the army. It's meant to be a Siege of Terra force. The 3rd Legion fell quicker and faster than most other Legions, so a sprinkling of chaotic nonsense seems fitting. The real trick will be making sure they're still unified enough to pass for a 30k force. 

I'm going to have a lot of fun with this project. I'm very much drawing on 80's/90's Slaanesh models and iconography as an inspiration. So much so I decide to attempt some freehand to jazz them up a bit.

The stripes aren't perfect but not bad for a first attempt I reckon and looks decent enough from a distance. Given the plan for the army, I'll certainly have plenty of chances to practice!

So yeah, just in case you couldn't tell, I'm massively excited to be finally getting this project properly off the ground. Ive actually got a week and a half off work starting today do I'm hoping to really crack on withthis over that time. Wish me luck!

I want to get as much done on this as possible before the new year, as it was confirmed yesterday that Old World will finally be releasing then and I know I'm going to definitely get sucked into that in a big way!

But yeah, I'll post up how I get on this week. It's good to be back on the hobby train again. See you soon!