Tuesday 19 June 2012
10 days till 6th Ed....
.. and the waiting is killing me.
There's so many rumours leaking out now from people claiming to have seen the book, yet contradicting each other that it's doing my head in, so much so that I'm finding it very difficult to find the motivation to build or paint anything at all. I did manage to get all my Deathwing undercoated though and hopefully should get basecoats of Dheneb Stone if i can convince my friend with an airbrush to help me out (I am NOT doing them all by hand)
Instead, I've been toying around with various lists that may or may not work in 6th ed. I've written a foot-based Deathwing list, which is basically 30 Terminators, Belial and a Librarian, supported by two Mortis Contemptors that could work, especially if Librarians get better with the introduction of Psychic Disciplines (pretty much the only thing confirmed, with the release of the psychic cards), but the lack of money to buy the twin Contemptors is depressing. I've already sold 15 of the Termies and the basic Dreadnought i got for me DW project to pay for the new rulebook when pre-orders go up. Still, when I get payed next month Forgeworld can expect a big order from me, including goodies to add to my Pre-heresy Thousand Sons
Another list I've been working on is my Space Wolves list that I posted about yesterday. It's harder than I thought. It's one thing writing an all-comers force with the 'Wolves codex, but tailoring against Grey Knights is another thing altogether. I'm trying to decide whether to do MSU in Razorbacks or a more standard gunline. One Vindicator? Two? Or even none and just rely on Long Fangs for my fire support? It's a very difficult question indeed, this is what I've got so far. I know it needs serious tweaking though:
Rune Priest - Living Lightning, Tempests Wrath
Rune Priest - Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Chooser of Slain
Wolf Scouts - 5 men, Meltagun
Wolf Scouts - 5 men, Meltagun
Wolf Guard - 1 Terminator with Cyclone (joins Long Fangs), 2 with Combi-Melta, Power Weapons and Meltabombs (join Wolf Scouts), 2 with Combi-Melta (join Melta Grey Hunters
2 x Grey Hunter packs, 8 men, plasma, wulfen, standard, mounted in Rhinos with Extra Armour
2 x Grey Hunter packs, 5 men, melta, wulfen, mounted in Razorbacks with Twin-Lascannons
Land Speeder with Multi-Melta
Long Fangs, 6 men, 4 x Missiles, Lascannon, mounted in Razorback with Twin-Lascannons
Long Fangs, 6 men, 4 x Missiles, Lascannon
I'm thinking of dropping the Wulfen and Power Weapons, as against Grey Knights I'm going to get smashed by halberds before I get to attack anyway, instead investing in a Vindicator. I might even drop a Wolf Scouts squad in favour of another Land Speeder, but that's opening me up to being screwed over on a bad 'Behind Enemy Lines' roll. I shall have to have a think.
Sure, this list is going to be changed up in a few weeks time by the edition change, but the game against GK shall be the last of 5th Ed and I want to go out with a bang, crushing the Grey Knights beneath the heels of the Vlka Fenryka, defending the honour of Russ against my opponents slanderous insults.
I'm off to ponder my list some more, in a vain attempt to distract myself from the lack of reliable rumours.I'll let you know how it goes
Monday 18 June 2012
A matter of Wolf's Honour
A challenge has arisen that no player of the Sons of Russ could possibly refuse.
A friend of my flatmate has been slagging off Space Wolves for months now, saying they've never seen a SW army win against his Grey Knights. Therefore, in order to defend the Sons of Russ, I've challenged him to a no holds barred game to prove to him the Sons of Russ are no pushovers.
Problem is, I mainly write casual lists and I know he brings very nasty armies to the table, so over the next three weeks i need to craft the nastiest possible army to face him with
Here's what I know about the battle:
-It's against Grey Knights
-It's going to be 1750 points
- Randomly determined scenario
-It's going to be at a club, so a little less terrain than 25%
- He fields fairly balanced lists, so no Draigo-wing or Henchmen Spam (he has been known to use Coteaz though)
- Without serious help, I'm going to be massacred
So if there's any Space Wolf players out there that can help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated, I'm off to write some (hopefully) cheesy lists
A friend of my flatmate has been slagging off Space Wolves for months now, saying they've never seen a SW army win against his Grey Knights. Therefore, in order to defend the Sons of Russ, I've challenged him to a no holds barred game to prove to him the Sons of Russ are no pushovers.
Problem is, I mainly write casual lists and I know he brings very nasty armies to the table, so over the next three weeks i need to craft the nastiest possible army to face him with
Here's what I know about the battle:
-It's against Grey Knights
-It's going to be 1750 points
- Randomly determined scenario
-It's going to be at a club, so a little less terrain than 25%
- He fields fairly balanced lists, so no Draigo-wing or Henchmen Spam (he has been known to use Coteaz though)
- Without serious help, I'm going to be massacred
So if there's any Space Wolf players out there that can help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated, I'm off to write some (hopefully) cheesy lists
Sunday 17 June 2012
Chaos Exalted Hero
I painted him up with a Slanneshi sort of feel, as that's the god I'd base my Warriors of Chaos army around if I ever did one. In the meantime, He's going to be a display model when he's done. I just need to finish up his horns, the skulls, his loincloth and his sword. I'm really proud of how he's turned out, as I'm not that great at painting most of the time.
Only downside is, I want to buy an army to go with him now...
Monday 11 June 2012
Thoughts on 6th Edition
Ok so GW has put a teaser trailer on their website for what is obviously 6th Edition 40k pre-orders, slated for the 23rd of June. Hardly a huge surprise, but pre-orders are a little earlier than i expected, placing its release probably on the 30th, so can't complain there.
So with 19 days until a new era of 40k dawns, a pressing question has arisen in my head: What army do I play in 6th ed?
Obviously I don't know what the rules changes are or how they'll affect my various armies, but i though I'd share my thoughts on each of them with you.
1. Pre- Heresy Thousand Sons
I've been pondering what codex to use for these guys for quite a while and I keep going back and forth between two possibilities, Space Marines or Grey Knights. Both offer some fun possibilities in army building, and each having their merits in representing the Psyker-heavy Thousand Sons.
If i go the Space Marine route, I'd load up on Tigerius, a second Librarian and a load of Sternguard Squads, with their special ammunition representing their powers at work, whereas with Grey Knights I'd have access to an entire army with Psychic powers, plus a load of fancy toys to boot.
Thing is Grey Knights are pure cheese, there's no two ways about it. Mainly it's the way their powers and abilities stack, coupled with the way they can rearrange the FOC, offsetting their expensive elites choices like Purifiers with the dirt-cheap henchmen troops under Coteaz. I feel dirty playing them, so so far I've been playing my Thousand Sons under the SM codex with quite a bit of success. Thing is it doesn't feel like I'm playing with Psykers, just a lot of marines using fancy guns, but then the cheese factor of Grey Knights has kept me playing them as they are.
However, there is a huge chance that GK's will get hit hard with the nerf bat under 6th ed, much like Deamons of Chaos did under 8th Ed Fantasy, so if that happens i'm quite likely to make the switch to the Knights of Titan representing my Sons of Magnus. Codex: Grey Knights has so many fun options that I can work into a pre-heresy list and if they've been thoroughly de-cheesed then I would be quite happy to play as them. I suppose I'll have to wait till the end of the month to get my answer on this one
2. Deathwing
This is a very interesting army to think about in 6th ed, mainly due to the fact that a lot of the rumoured changes benefit them greatly.
If rumours of power weapons becoming AP 3 are true then my Deathwing will get a massive boost in survivability, which coupled with the reduction in the quality of covers saves in the game and the fact that DA are pretty much confirmed in the starter box, which means they've got a new codex on the way makes them very tempting to use as my main army.
There's also the fact that I already have all the models I need for them, minus Azrael and a Contemptor Dreadnought, making them extremely tempting. I think they may become my secondary 6th editon army, rather than my main one though
3. Chaos Space Marines
This is another army I've played for years, although it's been pretty much shelved since the 4th edition codex. Their latest book, then the 5th edition rulebook, pretty much destroyed the effectiveness of my warband, due to my love of all-infantry builds, which under a mech-based 5th ed enviroment, really didn't fare well.
It's pretty obvious that 6th ed will reduce the need for mech. GW's already got our money out of us for transports, so now they're probably going to re-focus the game so that both an infantry-based and mech build can work equally well, so players start buying up infantry boxes again. This can only be good news for my warband, as it means that my 15-strong squads of CSM, supported by Raptors will see the light of the battlefield again.
Even if this doesn't happen with the release of 6th ed, there's a new book on the horizon for Chaos too and whether it turns out to be Legions or not (the jury's still out in the rumour mill on this one), it will be written to take full advantage of the changes in 6th Edition, so with that in mind, my beloved Golden Knights are going to be dusted off, given a spruce up and made ready to face the brave new world of 6th Edition gaming as my main army.
4. Space Wolves
These are even more interesting as they play rather well under 5th edition. In fact, they're my main army currently.
Whilst I avoid Long Fang-spam and Loganwing, my Wolves are fairly mech-based, with a pair of Razorbacks, Dreadnoughts and Vindicators supporting my Grey Hunters and Rune Priests. Whilst 6th ed may well limit the effectiveness of my list, This is nothing but a cause for celebration for me.
As i said earlier I despise mech. The Sons of Russ are not meant to do battle from metal boxes, they are meant to get in the enemy's face and punch it repeatedly before burying a frost axe in their neck. I only play a mech-based list because I'm part of a 40k League at the moment and the only way I can avoid being tabled by turn 3 every game is to mech up in response to my opponent.
I actually have a foot-based list written up for my Space Wolves which I've been building up for casual games which hopefully I'll be able to field in a fairly competitive manner with the edition change.
I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to finally ditch my Razorbacks and Vindicators and replace them with fun things like Wolf Lords, Thunderwolves, Blood Claws and Swiftclaw Bikers. Also if the rumoured challenge rules come about then my Wolf Lord will be in his element, bellowing challenges to enemy commanders whenever possible and having the guts and abilities to normally come out on top.
I'm not going to retire them completely with the edition change, i think, but they are going to get some well-deserved downtime, becoming my tertiary army, mainly wheeled out for the league or the occassional game, DA and Chaos are going to take priority though.
So there you have it, my thoughts on the new edition. Whilst it's not the most comprehensive and verges on the edge of decipherable ramblings, it does give you an insight into what's going through my head in the countdown to 6th edition's release. 19 days and counting....
So with 19 days until a new era of 40k dawns, a pressing question has arisen in my head: What army do I play in 6th ed?
Obviously I don't know what the rules changes are or how they'll affect my various armies, but i though I'd share my thoughts on each of them with you.
1. Pre- Heresy Thousand Sons
I've been pondering what codex to use for these guys for quite a while and I keep going back and forth between two possibilities, Space Marines or Grey Knights. Both offer some fun possibilities in army building, and each having their merits in representing the Psyker-heavy Thousand Sons.
If i go the Space Marine route, I'd load up on Tigerius, a second Librarian and a load of Sternguard Squads, with their special ammunition representing their powers at work, whereas with Grey Knights I'd have access to an entire army with Psychic powers, plus a load of fancy toys to boot.
Thing is Grey Knights are pure cheese, there's no two ways about it. Mainly it's the way their powers and abilities stack, coupled with the way they can rearrange the FOC, offsetting their expensive elites choices like Purifiers with the dirt-cheap henchmen troops under Coteaz. I feel dirty playing them, so so far I've been playing my Thousand Sons under the SM codex with quite a bit of success. Thing is it doesn't feel like I'm playing with Psykers, just a lot of marines using fancy guns, but then the cheese factor of Grey Knights has kept me playing them as they are.
However, there is a huge chance that GK's will get hit hard with the nerf bat under 6th ed, much like Deamons of Chaos did under 8th Ed Fantasy, so if that happens i'm quite likely to make the switch to the Knights of Titan representing my Sons of Magnus. Codex: Grey Knights has so many fun options that I can work into a pre-heresy list and if they've been thoroughly de-cheesed then I would be quite happy to play as them. I suppose I'll have to wait till the end of the month to get my answer on this one
2. Deathwing
This is a very interesting army to think about in 6th ed, mainly due to the fact that a lot of the rumoured changes benefit them greatly.
If rumours of power weapons becoming AP 3 are true then my Deathwing will get a massive boost in survivability, which coupled with the reduction in the quality of covers saves in the game and the fact that DA are pretty much confirmed in the starter box, which means they've got a new codex on the way makes them very tempting to use as my main army.
There's also the fact that I already have all the models I need for them, minus Azrael and a Contemptor Dreadnought, making them extremely tempting. I think they may become my secondary 6th editon army, rather than my main one though
3. Chaos Space Marines
This is another army I've played for years, although it's been pretty much shelved since the 4th edition codex. Their latest book, then the 5th edition rulebook, pretty much destroyed the effectiveness of my warband, due to my love of all-infantry builds, which under a mech-based 5th ed enviroment, really didn't fare well.
It's pretty obvious that 6th ed will reduce the need for mech. GW's already got our money out of us for transports, so now they're probably going to re-focus the game so that both an infantry-based and mech build can work equally well, so players start buying up infantry boxes again. This can only be good news for my warband, as it means that my 15-strong squads of CSM, supported by Raptors will see the light of the battlefield again.
Even if this doesn't happen with the release of 6th ed, there's a new book on the horizon for Chaos too and whether it turns out to be Legions or not (the jury's still out in the rumour mill on this one), it will be written to take full advantage of the changes in 6th Edition, so with that in mind, my beloved Golden Knights are going to be dusted off, given a spruce up and made ready to face the brave new world of 6th Edition gaming as my main army.
4. Space Wolves
These are even more interesting as they play rather well under 5th edition. In fact, they're my main army currently.
Whilst I avoid Long Fang-spam and Loganwing, my Wolves are fairly mech-based, with a pair of Razorbacks, Dreadnoughts and Vindicators supporting my Grey Hunters and Rune Priests. Whilst 6th ed may well limit the effectiveness of my list, This is nothing but a cause for celebration for me.
As i said earlier I despise mech. The Sons of Russ are not meant to do battle from metal boxes, they are meant to get in the enemy's face and punch it repeatedly before burying a frost axe in their neck. I only play a mech-based list because I'm part of a 40k League at the moment and the only way I can avoid being tabled by turn 3 every game is to mech up in response to my opponent.
I actually have a foot-based list written up for my Space Wolves which I've been building up for casual games which hopefully I'll be able to field in a fairly competitive manner with the edition change.
I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to finally ditch my Razorbacks and Vindicators and replace them with fun things like Wolf Lords, Thunderwolves, Blood Claws and Swiftclaw Bikers. Also if the rumoured challenge rules come about then my Wolf Lord will be in his element, bellowing challenges to enemy commanders whenever possible and having the guts and abilities to normally come out on top.
I'm not going to retire them completely with the edition change, i think, but they are going to get some well-deserved downtime, becoming my tertiary army, mainly wheeled out for the league or the occassional game, DA and Chaos are going to take priority though.
So there you have it, my thoughts on the new edition. Whilst it's not the most comprehensive and verges on the edge of decipherable ramblings, it does give you an insight into what's going through my head in the countdown to 6th edition's release. 19 days and counting....
Saturday 2 June 2012
Slight Distraction
Don't worry I havn't given up on the challenge already, progress has just been slowed by the arrival of a commission which should top up my Games Day fund for this year quite nicely.
I've got quite a bit done actually:
Mainly I've been focusing on my Dark Elves, as I've had a few games with them recently. I finally got round to building my Master on a Dark Pegasus (above) and my Master on a Manticore too (below). You may recognise the Manitcore as the one i was building a few years ago. Yes, I'm that behind on my projects
Another thing I've been working on is this:
My Armies on Parade board from the Games Day just gone. It's been sitting around gathering dust for the last six months so I've decided to do something with it (it's on the list! check it).
With that in mind, I'm going to build a forest-themed LOTR board to accompany my Dunedain force I'm painting up at the same time. It's a lot of work, but it should be fun to do. As soon as this is posted up I'm removing the 40k barricades to use as separate terrain on other boards, then attack it with filler. Should be good fun.
Until next time, when I should have the first pictures from my commisson too - 6 Scratchbuilt Wood Elf Treekin!
I've got quite a bit done actually:
Mainly I've been focusing on my Dark Elves, as I've had a few games with them recently. I finally got round to building my Master on a Dark Pegasus (above) and my Master on a Manticore too (below). You may recognise the Manitcore as the one i was building a few years ago. Yes, I'm that behind on my projects
Another thing I've been working on is this:
My Armies on Parade board from the Games Day just gone. It's been sitting around gathering dust for the last six months so I've decided to do something with it (it's on the list! check it).
With that in mind, I'm going to build a forest-themed LOTR board to accompany my Dunedain force I'm painting up at the same time. It's a lot of work, but it should be fun to do. As soon as this is posted up I'm removing the 40k barricades to use as separate terrain on other boards, then attack it with filler. Should be good fun.
Until next time, when I should have the first pictures from my commisson too - 6 Scratchbuilt Wood Elf Treekin!
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