Sunday 18 January 2015

30k Thousand Sons Veterans WIP

What's that? Two posts from me in the space of a week, showing progress on the same project? Wonders will never cease!

Joking aside, I'm getting really excited about my Thousand Sons project. Now the ball is rolling on it, things are coming together really quickly. Before I get distracted by shiny toys though, I've turned my attention to the Tactical and Veteran Squads which will form the backbone of my force. So far I've got these three nearly done:

These are the start of my first Veteran Squad. I view this force as a group who fled Prospero in the wake of the Space Wolves assault, so a hardened band of veterans seem to be the perfect core for my force. I'm still working out the marking system, but I'm liking the idea of one white pad and one red pad indicating veteran status, whilst the Egyptian-style crests mark out squad leaders. I have a feeling that the FW book will overwrite this when they finally get round to covering the XVth Legion, but that could still be a few years off yet, so I won't worry too much.

I've got seven more of these to finish, plus fifteen Tactical marines and some characters. Then I can turn my attention to the Disc Skimmer conversion I have planned.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Thousand Sons Moritat WIP

I've just realised that I haven't posted anything on here for about four months now. I hadn't realised I'd let things fall so far behind.

I'm currently working on my Thousand Sons allies, which I seem to have been making more progress on in the last couple of months than I have in the last four years put together! Having a definite idea of the colour scheme has really helped, as it means I'm not constantly tweaking and repainting the red.

I'll post more of the army in general in the next couple of posts, but what I have on my hobby desk right now is this:

This is going to be used as a Thousand Sons Moritat. I figure that a psycho fireball-throwing psyker suits their character better than the traditional gunslinging variety of Moritat.

Obviously he's still very much WIP. I'll be painting him up over the course of the next couple of weeks. The main change I'm considering already is to change the colour of the flames from yellow to blue/white. This will not only provide better contrast with the red, but helps imply the flames are hotter too!

As soon as I get the money to order them, he's going on a new 32mm base too, along with all my other 30k marines.