Thursday 15 August 2024


Despite being busy at work and the frankly ridiculous heat in the last couple of days, I've managed to get a little bit of hobby done.

I now have a solid goal to be working towards, which has really helped my focus. I signed up for a local Old World event at the start of October, so I need a fully painted army done by then. Deadlines focus my hobby ADD brilliantly, which is why I've got so many fully painted Middle Earth armies!

I decided to cheat on this one a little though and run Troll Horde. I only need to paint about 20 models for that! On the other hand, I get to paint a bunch of cool Trolls, so it's all good.

Forgive the cluttered hobby desk in the background. I didn't have the time to set up my light box for them:

They turned put alright I reckon. The poor light doesn't show them off as well as it could, but I'll get a better picture when I've got this full batch of 13 done.

I even managed to sneak in a little freehand to taint one of our local dwarf players, in the form of a pilfered banner!

Not bad I'd say, although I could definitely do better. It's been a while since I attempted anything like that.

Just another 8 Trolls to go and then I've got the Hag and Wyvern Boss to do. I'm chugging along nicely I'd say!

That's all for today though. I'll bring you more soon.

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