Wednesday 31 July 2024

It's time to beat my backlog!

It's a bit of a grandiose title, but I'm determined to finally do something about the massive backlog of projects I've got building up.

It's probably no exaggeration to say that if I never bought another model again, I could go my entire life without running out of things to paint!
Honestly it's a bit ridiculous. Problem is, I get massive hobby ADD far more often than I see projects through to the end. Made worse by the fact I play so many game systems.
So I've decided to put in a bit more effort over the next few months to try and clear out some of the hobby clutter.

It's not really going to be a hobby purchase ban like I've done in the past, more like just being a bit more conscious about what I'm spending and trying not buy stuff I want for my armies until I've finished a chunk of stuff related to them first.

A good example are the Trolls I got done this week:

Not the best of pictures I'm afraid. Still working on how to get the best from my new phone camera. My point is though that I've got another 7 of these to get finished. I want to get a Troll Hag to go with them, but I'm not going to do that until all 12 are finished.

Sounds pretty simple and obvious when I put it like that, but I'm hoping it's a good way to try and tame the chaos and poor impulse control which tends to prevail in my hobby decisions.

I'm also going to try and post on here again more often as I've let this go to hell a bit recently. I've reached the stage where I'm pretty sure I'm the only seeing it on here, but it is nice to have a hobby log like this. I've been running this blog for 15 years, I can't stop now!

Anyway there's the update of what I'm up to. Apologies for the big gap between posts and I'll hopefully be back soon.

 Happy hobbying!